Thursday, March 7, 2013

Food Coloring

This week, I wanted to focus on the use of food coloring. I thought that this would be a nice finishing touch to the cookies that I made last week. However, instead of using cookies I decided to bake cupcakes in honor of my best friend's birthday. I also brought back the use of sprinkles to accompany the food coloring. I was never really big on decorating things that I baked but if done correctly, this could be a great skill to have. 

As you can see in the picture below, the food coloring didn't really even out too well. Instead of the icing coming out red, the icing came out with red patches. This had a lot to do with the type of food coloring I purchased. The food coloring I bought came in a can where you are supposed to spray it on which would explain why the coloring came out the way it did. In the future, I want to get the food coloring that you mix in and in assorted colors. Stay tuned :) 

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